The Law Offices of Carly R. Croskrey provides a full range of family law services, handling cases in Orange and Riverside Counties.


Potential clients are offered a thirty minute consultation with an attorney for the amount of $50.00 to help you determine the services, estimated costs, and time required to successfully resolve your case.


Our services, listed below, are quick links to help you answer specific questions and will take you directly to that topic.








Often perceived as a complex, emotionally straining and costly process, it doesn’t need to be.  If there has been a complete breakdown of the marriage, we can help you… and it starts with our free initial consultation.

Marital Settlement Agreements

Fighting over assets and debts can drive the cost of a divorce through the roof.  Reaching a fair and reasonable settlement outside of the courtroom through a negotiated marital settlement agreement is always your best option.

Domestic Partnerships

So much is up in the air regarding domestic partnerships, but bottom line, most custody rights and rights to property still apply.  You need to know and understand your rights.

Legal Separation

Absent a complete breakdown in a marriage, legal separation provides a wide range of options in determining the best course for the future while preserving your legal rights, assets and debts while you decide whether reconciliation or divorce is the next step.

Modification of Judgments/Orders

Even after a judgment is issued, circumstances often change and modifications are needed to ensure your full legal rights are preserved.

Retirement and Employee Benefits

Unlike many assets that are distributed under community property law, pension and formal retirement plans may be divided under a qualified domestic relationship order.